How to Create Video Funnels

How to Create Video Funnels

How to Create Video Funnels w/Daniel Glickman   You know LIVE video is a great way to connect with your community and bring in more leads and sales. But what about other types of video? What about videos that help you to connect with your client at all points in...
People Love to Give You Money!

People Love to Give You Money!

People Love to Give You Money! Until you REALLY believe that people LOVE to give you money, all of the marketing strategies and tactics won’t matter, that’s why I’m thrilled to be bringing you my first ever money mindset coach, Chellie Campbell!...
The New Facebook Shops and Rooms!

The New Facebook Shops and Rooms!

The New Facebook Shops and Rooms! We have heard about the new changes coming, well many of them are HERE, including Facebook Shops and Rooms. So, let’s just dive in!   Let’s Talk Shop(s) I admit, I am not 100% sure how I feel about this first update. There...