3 Keys to Booking Media Features

3 Keys to Booking Media Features

3 Keys to Booking Media Features You can’t grow your business if people can’t find you! So, visibility is something that every business needs in order grow, AND, when it comes to being featured in the media, there is no one I trust more than the Impacting...
6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers

6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers

6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers. With every in live person event now being canceled, it’s vital to have an online presence. From musicians, to speakers, to educators, to athletes, to service professionals… it’s time to GET...
Facing Fears-Hidden Gem to Household Name

Facing Fears-Hidden Gem to Household Name

Facing Fears Hidden Gem to Household Name It can be really hard to grow your business when no one knows who you are. I remember when I first started using live video, and getting traction I was so grateful for the results I was getting, but knew there was a bigger...
Top Take Aways from #SMMW20 & #SMWATX

Top Take Aways from #SMMW20 & #SMWATX

If you are using social media, digital marketing, the “interwebs” for your business, for your mission, for your impact that you’re making on the world, you’ve got to watch this video! I just returned from Speaking at Social Media Marketing...